Sunday, December 14, 2008

Late Update

Our boy is growing up. So much has happened since we thought to start this blog. We haven't been keeping this updated. Liam is now 17 Months as of 12/7/08. His 1st birthday was great with Grandma and Grampa Garrett visiting. Grandma (nonnie??) made a hat for the little man...he loved it. He walked for the first time in late October and by a month later was cruising. The facts that he can walk still cracks him up now and then. We just spent an early modified X-mas with the entire Fam. Shannon made a rvisit...arranged by Amy. Very sneaky. It was great. Liam loved having everyone here and was finally able to get to know Aunt Sissy a little better. Liam hand a very fruitful day but of course loved ripping into boxes and playing with old toys as much as the new ones. And....he made his first poop in his potty....we had to celebrate that one. Each day he seems to become more like a little boy and less like a baby. 16 months ago, I couldn't have even imagined what this transformation would be like. It's truly great. But of course Liam loves Mommy more...that's just the age, or at least that what I tell myself. Well, Grandma (who is trying to come up with a less...well...less old sounding name, is currently trying to be called Nonnie and I have no idea where that came from) and Grandpa are still here for a few days. Shannon and her current beau left this AM. Soon it will back to work and our holiday will pretty much be over....ahhh the glamorous life of an ER doctor. We'll try and be better about keeping up. Until then here's a little recent video action of the little boy.

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