Thursday, December 13, 2007

A Good Night Sleep

I was told by many that it was next to impossible for a breastfed baby to sleep through the night before he was weaned. What I wasn't told was that my baby would be waking up every hour on the hour to either nurse or be comforted. I was going INSANE!! I kept thinking, "Tonight will be the night... maybe he'll sleep for 2 hours in a row.. please, oh please..." Then, like clockwork, in exactly one hour I would hear the familiar whine. "Mommy I neeeeed you." So I drifted through my days in a daze of severe sleep deprivation. Almost five months of little or no sleep. I don't do sleep deprivation well.

I went to the pediatrician (three of them). No help. I went to a naturopath. Again, no help. She wanted me to eliminate more foods out of my diet. I'd already eliminated the four main food groups: cheese, coffee, chocolate and alcohol. So there I was - lost and sleepless. I have to admit it, I was vulnerable. You could sell me almost anything if I thought it would make my baby sleep. I was starting to seriously wonder why no one had approved ambien for infant use. So I was Googling anything related to baby sleep. I ended up buying an online book/program that was guaranteed to work.

Liam cried for about 45 minutes the first night. Thirty the next night. Nine the next. Every night for the last 14 days he has slept 11 - 12 hours in a row at night without waking up to eat, squirm, cry, or move! MAGIC!!!!!!! I met this guy who had been living in my house, Ryan. Oh, then I remembered I was married to him. I watched a movie! A whole movie, not just 20 minutes during feeding. Wow. I'm sooooooooo happy!! Merry Christmas to me...

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