Thursday, October 21, 2010

Off to School

Our little Michelen Man has started school just a few weeks ago. He attends a Waldorf-based pre-school where he finally gets to hang out with a few kids of his own gender. Seriously, there must be something in the water. All of Liam's friends up until now have been girls. Jocelyn, Tatum, Cicily, Josephine, Kaylee, Nadia and the list goes on. He's got a few new bros in school: Ry and Solomon to name a couple. The school is actually in a Jewish Havurah in Ashland. He loves it, but there certainly were a few days of adjusting.

We recently just got back from a little jaunt to San Francisco where I let Amy shop a little. Liam stayed with his cousins in Sacramento and absolutely loved it. The pic above is from a recent trip to Lake Tahoe. Aim and LJ are reading on the beach. Liam takes his literature very seriously. He's growing so fast. We just took delivery of his very own 'big boy bed'. Hmmmm....maybe he'll actually sleep in it as he's been sleeping on the floor next to Mommy's bed every night for the past few months. What a twerp!