Thursday, October 21, 2010

Off to School

Our little Michelen Man has started school just a few weeks ago. He attends a Waldorf-based pre-school where he finally gets to hang out with a few kids of his own gender. Seriously, there must be something in the water. All of Liam's friends up until now have been girls. Jocelyn, Tatum, Cicily, Josephine, Kaylee, Nadia and the list goes on. He's got a few new bros in school: Ry and Solomon to name a couple. The school is actually in a Jewish Havurah in Ashland. He loves it, but there certainly were a few days of adjusting.

We recently just got back from a little jaunt to San Francisco where I let Amy shop a little. Liam stayed with his cousins in Sacramento and absolutely loved it. The pic above is from a recent trip to Lake Tahoe. Aim and LJ are reading on the beach. Liam takes his literature very seriously. He's growing so fast. We just took delivery of his very own 'big boy bed'. Hmmmm....maybe he'll actually sleep in it as he's been sleeping on the floor next to Mommy's bed every night for the past few months. What a twerp!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Wow..I am not a blogger that is for certain. I apologize for not keeping up with the little boy's page. He has certainly grown since out last visit. He's more cerebral and verbose than athletic though. Regardless of milestones, he is the joy of my (and my wife's) life. He has become quite a little man with very strong opinions of how just about everything should be done. He was essentially potty trained about 6 months ago, but continues to request a diaper when he has a poo on deck. Then he proceeds to request 'privacy'..."Daddy, go away, I need privacy". So we let him hang by himself in the family room until such a time when he decides to rejoin the toddler rat-race. We had a slight potty training fiasco. We had informed Liam that after his 'last package' of diapers was finished he would have to use his potty. Liam was seemingly very excited about this and kept telling everyone' when I use my last diaper, then it will be time to use the big potty". The fateful day came and when he advertised that he needed to make a poop he was very resistant to using the potty. After 4-5 false starts he finally raced into my office and yelled, "I have to poop, I have to Poop!!". We went into the bathroom and he sat down and then when he was about to deliver...he yelled 'I'm freaking out Daddy' and then jumped up and started crying hysterically...needless to say I found 'one more diaper' and 1 month later we're still using a diaper and needing privacy.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The End of Innocence

The munchkin has finally morphed into a little boy. His every word amazes me. His turn of phrase is the equivalent of a toddlerescent Don Rickles We do have our hands full, as do many. At 2.75 years he is emerging into boyhood and that both scares and saddens me. he desire very little time with Daddy. But, ironiclly , I am the go to person to diffuse a tantrum and calm the beast within.